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=====//""PulpFest"" Guests of Honor//=====
Following is a listing of Guests of Honor at [[PulpConventions | PulpFest]] beginning with the first convention in 2009.

|!|{width: 700px}||
|=|Event|=|Guest of Honor||
||**""PulpFest"" 2009**||Otto Penzler||
||**""PulpFest"" 2010**||William F. Nolan||
||**""PulpFest"" 2011**||Kent Allard*||
||**""PulpFest"" 2012**||Mark Schultz||
|| ||Jim & Ruth Keegan||
|| ||Mike Resnick||
||**""PulpFest"" 2013**||William Patrick Maynard||
|| ||Will Murray||
||**""PulpFest"" 2014**||None||
||**""PulpFest"" 2015**||Chet Williamson||
||**""PulpFest"" 2016**||Ted White||
||**""PulpFest"" 2017**||Gloria Stoll Karn||
||**""PulpFest"" 2018**||Joe Lansdale||
||**""PulpFest"" 2019**||None||
||**""PulpFest"" 2020**||Eva Lynd was scheduled, but the convention was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.||
||**""PulpFest"" 2021**||Eva Lynd was scheduled, but could not attend due to family obligations.||
||**""PulpFest"" 2022**||None||
||(x:2)* Could not attend||


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