PulpWiki — the pulp magazine wiki — wants you!

The wiki isn’t limited to any one pulp magazine genre. PulpWiki will cover all topics, from science fiction pulps to weird menance, Westerns to romance, detective to hero.
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Then look in the PageIndex or the WantedPages listings to see if a page you want to contribute to has already been started. If not, click the PageStarter link to create a new page. (To do any of this, you will need to register first.)
To become familiar with the Wiki coding, check out FormattingRules. (Remember, you’ll find links to templates on the PulpWikiStyle page.) Then practice your formatting abilities in the SandBox page. But don’t be overly concerned with formatting. To borrow from Frank Munsey, the content is more important than formatting.
You can edit a page by clicking the “Edit page” link at the bottom of most pages (some pages are restricted). Feel free to add additional information or correct mistakes in existing pages.
But, please, don’t use copyrighted material without permission. And only post material that you wrote or copied from a public domain source. Any copyrighted material will be deleted.
Except where otherwise noted, content on the PulpWiki is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
Oh, and let us know if you have any problems with the Wiki pages. Or, you can visit the PulpWikiDiscussions page for brief comments or suggestions. Thanks!
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Useful pages: FormattingRules, OrphanedPages, WantedPages, TextSearch.