Wiki source for GoodrichClifford
====Clifford Goodrich====
Clifford Goodrich was a house name of the [[StreetandSmith Street & Smith]] that writers could use as needed.
It appeared in an issue of //[[AvengerThe The Avenger]]// on a story written by [[DavisHaroldA Harold A. Davis]], who had another story in the magazine under his own name.
[[HathawayAlan Alan Hathaway]] also used it in 1942 when he published a story in [[StreetandSmith Street & Smith]]ís //[[WhispererThe The Whisperer]]//.
Clifford Goodrich was a house name of the [[StreetandSmith Street & Smith]] that writers could use as needed.
It appeared in an issue of //[[AvengerThe The Avenger]]// on a story written by [[DavisHaroldA Harold A. Davis]], who had another story in the magazine under his own name.
[[HathawayAlan Alan Hathaway]] also used it in 1942 when he published a story in [[StreetandSmith Street & Smith]]ís //[[WhispererThe The Whisperer]]//.