Wiki source for PulpWikiStyle
=====PulpWiki style=====
Here are some simple guidelines for styles within the PulpWiki:
~- Do not type in all capital letters.
~- Put magazine, book, radio, TV and movie titles in italics (placing double slash marks -- ""//"" -- before and after a phrase, makes it appear in italics). For example, //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]// or //[[Argosy The Argosy]]//.
~- Put story and article titles in quotations. For example, “The Metal Man” or “The Price of a Dime.”
When starting a new page, visit one of the following format pages and copy the coding:
~- FormatsPulpContributors
~- FormatsPulpFanzines
~- FormatsPulpGenres
~- FormatsPulpMagazines
~- FormatsPulpPublishers
Here are some simple guidelines for styles within the PulpWiki:
~- Do not type in all capital letters.
~- Put magazine, book, radio, TV and movie titles in italics (placing double slash marks -- ""//"" -- before and after a phrase, makes it appear in italics). For example, //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]// or //[[Argosy The Argosy]]//.
~- Put story and article titles in quotations. For example, “The Metal Man” or “The Price of a Dime.”
When starting a new page, visit one of the following format pages and copy the coding:
~- FormatsPulpContributors
~- FormatsPulpFanzines
~- FormatsPulpGenres
~- FormatsPulpMagazines
~- FormatsPulpPublishers