I finally got the final novel in the adventures of Jack West Jr., The One Impossible Labyrinth. It was supposed to be released early in 2022 but seemed to have been...
Archive - 2023
After getting the first volume of Madame Storey stories from Steeger Books, I have gotten the second one, The Viper: The Complete Cases of Madame Storey, Vol. 2. The...
Dare Devlin: Supreme Adventurer, who is Dafydd Neal Dyar‘s kind of new Doc Savage pastiche is back for his second appearance, again from PULPlications. At this...
The Nyctalope is an overlooked French proto-superhero/proto-pulp adventurer that was featured in a series of serialized novels and stories by Jean de La Hire during the...
Stormgate Press has put out their fourth issue of Pulp Reality, dated Fall 2022, a year after the previous issue. I think their original plans were for this to come out...
A couple of years back I posted on the pulp detective Jigger Masters, created by author and editor Anthony Rud (1893-1942). This character had an unusual history, having...
Continuing with my deeper review of the Hellboy universe of stories, I now turn to the Hellboy and the BPRD series, in what will be the first of two, maybe three...
For most pulp fans, we know Will Murray for his many scholarly articles on pulp heroes like The Shadow and Doc Savage. Or perhaps his many new Doc Savage novels, as well...
Here we are with another collection of original Harry Dickson, The American Sherlock Holmes stories “adapted” from French by Black Coat Press: Harry Dickson:...
The Devil of Harbor City collects another New Pulp hero from John L. French. I had previously read his Gray Monk and Nightmare characters, and all three are available...