I have posted previously on Joseph Lovece‘s new series, the “Steam Man of the West.” This is an original series inspired by the various...
Category - Dime Novels
As I’ve noted in the past, we often overlook “pulp” that appeared overseas. Britain has a similar group of fiction outlets like the pulps...
Nick Carter is a literary character which has been around a long time, was enormously popular during his time, but is today largely forgotten. He has appeared...
An interesting new series of works I recently discovered is Joseph Lovece‘s “Dime Novel Cover Series.” The series makes use of various...
In studying pulps, it’s also valuable to study those fiction sources that preceded the pulps: the story papers and dime novels. Many of the same types of...
What is (and is not) “pulp” is something that has generated a lot of discussion over the years. Some people are very stringent about what pulp is;...