An interesting proto-pulp character is the French adventurer Rocambole. While being well known around the world, the character is sadly less known in the...
Category - Foreign pulps
“Doctor Omega” is an almost forgotten early (1906) French SF novel by Arnould Galopin written as a sort-of response to H.G. Well‘s First Men...
Sar Dubnotal is an early “occult detective,” like John Silence, Carnacki and others, who appeared in 20 anonymously written novellas published in...
Once again, Black Coat Press presents a translation of a French novel featuring a character they have been using in their Tales of the Shadowmen series. This...
There seems to be a phenomenon with popular characters. People start to look for other characters that inspired that character. Sometimes authors are...
An interesting old pulp character that has come to prominence in recent years is Judex. Many are intrigued by The Shadow-like elements of the character, and...