One of the first postings of this blog looked at a forgotten series known as Amusement Inc. This series by pulpster Theodore Tinsley showcased a private army...
Category - New Pulp
In 2011 Tommy Hancock‘s Pro Se Press started their most interesting effort to bring back a feature of the original, classic pulps: of being published...
Barry Reese is back with the second volume of his latest New Pulp hero(ine): Gravedigger. For those that missed the first volume, Gravedigger is a hero with a...
When I got back into the pulp world back in the ’90s, one fanzine I got was Pulp Adventures, published by Rich Harvey through his Pulp Adventures Press...
It’s 2015, and we have another volume of “Tales of the Shadowmen,” now up to volume 11. It’s subtitled “Force Majeure,” a...
The Man in Purple is one of many characters created by Johnston McCulley, better known for Zorro. Over his long career as a pulp writer, McCulley created...
Pro Se Press is back with another volume of Thunder Jim Wade, the short-lived Doc Savage clone,. This time it’s a complete novella rather than a...
Challenger Storm is a New Pulp character created by Don Gates. I reviewed the first Challenger Storm book a year ago, and now we finally get a second one...
Tommy Hancock‘s Pro Se Press has in its short time in existence become one of the major New Pulp publishers. And they have even pushed for the use of the...
While there are several classic pulp heroes I have yet to do a posting on, mostly it’s because I have yet to read their original stories. This is because...