Guns of the Black Ghost is a collection of Tom Johnson‘s original, modern, pulp hero The Black Ghost. Tom has been working in the New Pulp movement as a...
Category - New Pulp
Philip José Farmer (1918-2009) is a Grand Master of Science Fiction. For most science fiction fans, he is probably best known for his series “The World...
“Blood of the Centipede” is the second book-length appearance of Chuck Miller‘s character The Black Centipede. The first one, “Creeping...
Doc Atlas was created by Michael A. Black and Ray Lovato as a clear homage to Doc Savage. While it’s easy to spot the similarities, it’s clear...
A couple of years ago, New Pulp publisher Pro Se Press started a new monthly (now quarterly) digest series, “Pro Se Presents.” Most have from one...
“Mystery Men (& Women), Volume 1” is the first of a new anthology series from Airship 27. This one has four New Pulp heroes and heroines. Most...
“Pulp Detectives” is another great collection from Altus Press of stories by Tom Johnson, a long-time pulp fan, author, and publisher. These...
Previously, I wrote a posting on Doc Savage pastiches and imitations created during the original pulp era. This time I look at some (note: some) of the modern...
I first got into the works of Barry Reese when I read his first volume of The Rook stories. In the back was a timeline that listed several other works I...
The Black Centipede is another original New Pulp character. While the stories are set in the 1930s, the author doesn’t trying to imitate the style or...