Once again, Black Coat Press presents a translation of a French novel featuring a character they have been using in their Tales of the Shadowmen series. This...
Category - New Pulp
Techno-thriller authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child have put out several works together and separately. Most of their works together have a certain...
Within the larger genre of pulp heroes, there are several sub-genres. One of them is the “magician-detective,” of which there are very few. In most...
Few pulp heroes were able during the classic period to make the transition from the pulp magazines to other medium such as movies/movie serials, radio, comics...
For those not familiar, Jim Anthony was a kind-of Doc Savage “clone” published by Trojan/Culture Publications in the early 1940s, a publisher of...
There seems to be a phenomenon with popular characters. People start to look for other characters that inspired that character. Sometimes authors are...
Clive Cussler is the author that got me into the “techno thriller” field. From him I got into reading James Rollins, Jack Du Brul, Andy McDermott...
Warren Fahy‘s “Fragment” is part of the “techno thriller” genre (though perhaps a better term might be “science...
As a way of introduction, I thought I’d give some background on myself, focusing on my pulp influences. This will give people a better understanding of...