I had previously read and reviewed RazörFist’s first novel, the first of his Nightvale series, and Death Mask is the second. His Nightvale series is set on...
Category - New Pulp
Following up directly from the first volume, here are the next two volumes with D.C. Jones and Adventure Command International, and concluding the “Cult...
After reviewing Will Murray‘s first collection of new Sherlock Holmes stories, I now review his second. Pulp historian and author Will Murray has been...
I’ll be posting on Occult Detective Quarterly, started and published by the late Sam Gafford‘s Ulthar Press, which continues as Occult Detective...
Recently I posted about Bronze Knuckles, a New Pulp fanzine I discovered. The main emphasis of the fanzine is pulp-hero stories, but other pulp-inspired...
After nearly three years we got the latest volume in Dave Robinson‘s Doc Vandal series. Volume 6, The Ziggurat of Doom became available on Amazon...
While I don’t try to get every possible new Sherlock Holmes novel or story collection, I will probably check out one from an author I am familiar with...
So I continue my reading of Chuck Dixon‘s Levon Cade series with the next two in the series. I guess I’ll continue to post two novels at a time...
As a fan of occult detectives, one such character I wanted to get into is Josh Reynolds‘ Charles St. Cyprian, the Royal Occultist. I was frustrated that...
I recently obtained Pulp Adventures #42 from Bold Venture Press, dated Winter-Spring 2023. I guess this indicates they are going twice a year. As always, we...