One of the more unusual pulp heroes is the short-lived Captain Satan from Popular Publications. Lasting five issues of his own series in 1938, the magazine was...
Category - Reprints
“Grottos of Chinatown: The Dorus Noel Stories” is an interesting collection of short stories by Arthur J. Burks. Burks was, during his time, very...
“The Cobra: The King of Detectives” collects several “snake” inspired works by early pulp author Richard Sale, including his short...
As a follow-up to my “What is pulp?” posting, I’d like to look at what formats people like to get their pulp fiction. When I got into pulp...
Most pulp fans know Weird Tales magazine as the long-running occult/horror/fantasy pulp that published such greats as H.P. Lovecraft, Seabury Quinn, and many...
“The Spider,” from Pulpville Press, reprints two stories by Frederick C. Painton, an unknown to me pulp writer. Pulpville has a couple of other...
Ravenwood was a short-lived pulp hero series that ran in the back of Secret Agent X for five issues in 1936. Like all the pulp characters from Ace (aka...
In the next in this series of articles, I take an overview of another of the major pulp publishers, the Thrilling Group, and their pulp heroes. Thrilling was...
One of Thrilling’s last pulp hero is the bizarre Purple Scar. This short-lived series was published in Exciting Detective as the cover feature. Thrilling...
Mr. Death is a very early, but lesser-known pulp hero. Altus Press‘ volume “Alias Mr. Death: The Complete Series” collects all the original...