H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949) was a prolific pulp author with over 1,000 works, and several series. His longest series featured John Solomon, a mysterious...
Category - Review
A long-overdue review is of Art Sippo‘s take on Sun Koh, originally the so-called “Nazi Doc Savage.” Created by Paul Alfred Müller-Murnau in...
Finally, three years after the previous one, I got the latest in the adventures of Jack West Jr.: The Three Secret Cities. This is an interesting techno...
An interesting series that reprints a “penny dreadful” story from the U.K. is Penny Dreadful Press’s Vol. 2: Spring-Heeled Jack: Man or...
As we approach the end of 2019, I was expecting to see the Dillon Annual Collection 2019. Until then, we have Dillon: The Odd Jobs, which is a collection of...
Another volume in Murania Press‘s “Forgotten Classics of Pulp Fiction” is George Bronson-Howard‘s The Return of Yorke Norroy, which has...
In late 2019, we get Series V of the “Argosy Library,” from Steeger Books (previously Altus Press), with 10 more books of great — and...
With a new, lower price, but the same number of pages, Bold Venture Press has put out a new issue of Pulp Adventures, #33 for Fall 2019. Under a very nice...
Another new pulp-related comic from Titan Comics/Statix Press is The Wraith of Fantômas. Written by Olivier Bocquet and drawn by Julie Rocheleau, it first...
As previously noted, Murania Press has revived its Blood ‘n’ Thunder fanzine. The book series will continue, though we haven’t seen one in...