The Nyctalope is an overlooked French proto-superhero/proto-pulp adventurer that was featured in a series of serialized novels and stories by Jean de La Hire...
Category - Review
Awesome Tales #9 (2019) came out recently from Bold Venture Press and Black Cat Media. This issue’s theme is suspense. We get four stories this time. The...
Sometimes we overlook the science fiction of past decades. The science is often dated, based on ideas misunderstood or discredited, their view of the future...
It seems like I had just read and posted on the latest Vic Challenger novel, #7, by Jerry Gill, when I find out there was another put out before the end of...
Something that many pulp fans want to see is a team-up with various pulp heroes. While commonplace with comicbook heroes, such team-ups never happened with the...
There are many prolific pulp writers whom many readers today are not aware of because often they didn’t move on to writing paperbacks or their pulp works...
As part of the latest set of books in its “Argosy Library” series, Altus Press gives us the first volume of the Jigger Masters series by Anthony M...
S.P. Meek was the name Sterner St. Paul Meek (1894-1972) used for his published works. He was an ordinance officer and military chemist, worked up from captain...
I’ve posted in the past of thrillers by several modern authors. I feel that many of these have pulpish elements, and have enjoyed several of them...
F. Van Wyck Mason (1901-78) was a prolific author who started in the pulps, and wrote mystery, action, historical fiction, and young adult, but very little...