The Secret 6, not to be confused with the similarly named groups from DC Comics, was Harry Steeger‘s Popular Publications‘ attempt at doing its own...
Category - Review
Much has been made of late of the New Pulp movement, made possible in many ways due to the advances in “print on demand” technology that has...
Sar Dubnotal is an early “occult detective,” like John Silence, Carnacki and others, who appeared in 20 anonymously written novellas published in...
The practice of calling pulps devoted to, and often named after, the hero contained in them “hero pulps” is well understood. But some argue they...
Once again, Black Coat Press presents a translation of a French novel featuring a character they have been using in their Tales of the Shadowmen series. This...
Many pulp characters were turned into comic book characters. Many of the pulp publishers also had ties with (or owned) comic book publishers, so this was easy...
Within the hero pulp genre was the genre of secret agents. The best known was Operator #5. Lesser known (I had never heard of this character) is the Red...
Within the larger genre of pulp heroes, there are several sub-genres. One of them is the “magician-detective,” of which there are very few. In most...
Warren Fahy‘s “Fragment” is part of the “techno thriller” genre (though perhaps a better term might be “science...