Eldritch Tales is an all-fiction, weird-fiction fanzine with a strange history. It started as a companion magazine to the non-fiction Dark Messenger, so the...
Tag - Cthulhu mythos
For most pulp fans, we know Will Murray for his many scholarly articles on pulp heroes like The Shadow and Doc Savage. Or perhaps his many new Doc Savage...
Robert M. Price is an interesting person. He has been a Baptist minister, has two Ph.D.s in theology, and is a New Testament scholar and author. He is also a...
One of the longest-running — maybe the longest-running — fanzine focused on H.P. Lovecraft and his works is Crypt of Cthulhu. Established in 1981, it has been...
Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961) is the last of the Weird Tales triumvirate that included H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. CAS is known as a poet, weird...
Conan. Solomon Kane. Kull the Conqueror. Bran Mak Morn. Red Sonya. Sailor Steve Costigan. These and many others are the creations of Robert E. Howard (1906...
I enjoy occult detectives, and am always looking for new ones. It’s interesting to discover new ones. While I’m familiar with a lot of works by Lin...
Pulp Adventures #21 (Spring 2016) is the seventh issue of the new version from Bold Venture Press. Once again we get a collection of classic and New Pulp...
We have been getting new Green Lama stories from Moonstone under the authorship of Adam Lance Garcia, and now finally the long-promised novel, Crimson Circle...
As has too often been the case, many pulp writers were ignored or overlooked during their lifetimes, only to become massively popular and well read after their...