The Savage Dyaries is a new collection of articles saved from pulp fanzines. In this case, Doc Savage articles written by Dafydd Neal Dyar that ran from 1979...
Tag - Doc Savage
A new (kind of) Doc Savage pastiche is Dare Devlin: Supreme Adventurer by Dafydd Neal Dyar. His first appearance is in a new book from PULPlications, both...
Meteor House‘s The Best of Farmerphile, as its title indicates, collects the best of the fiction and non-fiction that ran in the 15 issues of...
In 1974, Robert Weinberg edited and published a short booklet (130 pages) titled The Man Behind Doc Savage: A Tribute to Lester Dent. For a while I just...
I have posted before on Doc Ardan, and Black Coat Press has come out with a volume of new and old Doc Ardan stories. So let’s be clear. French writer Guy...
An interesting pulp-inspired comic-book series is The Chimera Brigade. Mainly because unlike making use of American pulp characters, it mainly makes use of...
With another Doc Con completed, we get another edition of The Big Book of Bronze. Volume 8 has a theme on the long promised new Doc Savage movie, but we also...
I recently received the second new issue of The Bronze Gazette, #77, now published by Pulplications. This is the final issue for this year. They also did a...
A different sort of Doc Savage pastiche is Rush Randall and Adventurers Inc. William G. Bogart created them using an edited Doc Savage story (he took his 1942...
Dynamite published its second Doc Savage mini-series, the five-issue The Spider’s Web. It was also written by Chris Roberson and is set after the first...