The prolific Edgar Rice Burroughs had several series set in exotic locations: Mars, the Hollow Earth, the Moon, and Venus. I have already looked at his Mars...
Tag - Edgar Rice Burroughs
An interesting series was brought to my attention recently: Vic Challenger. (Full disclosure, I was sent one of the novels.) The premise is different, but one...
A long-running pulp fanzine that recently made the move to being an online publication is Pulpdom. Pulpdom has a distinguished history that goes back many...
An interesting pair of reprint series from the early 1970s is Fantasy Classics and Fantasy Reader, published by the short-lived small press Fantasy House...
The idea that the Earth is a hollow sphere is one that has been tossed around in esoteric circles, and has been the basis of some science-fiction tales. One...
As a kid, one of the first science-fiction authors I got into was Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the first works by him I read was his series about Mars, or...
Probably few pulp fans today are familiar with James Van Hise. He has been a writer, editor, and publisher for many years within certain genres such as...
Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention has been running in Chicago around April for 15 years (since 2000). Every year they have been publishing a convention...
Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) is a well-known pulp writer who created Tarzan and John Carter of Mars, two of his best-known creations. Like many pulp fans...
As a way of introduction, I thought I’d give some background on myself, focusing on my pulp influences. This will give people a better understanding of...