One of Thrilling’s last pulp hero is the bizarre Purple Scar. This short-lived series was published in Exciting Detective as the cover feature. Thrilling...
Tag - hero pulps
Lazarus Gray is a New Pulp character from writer Barry Reese. I have been reading his Rook series (he has other works as well, but those are the ones...
Mr. Death is a very early, but lesser-known pulp hero. Altus Press‘ volume “Alias Mr. Death: The Complete Series” collects all the original...
“Pulp Echoes” is the third (and apparently last) collection of New Pulp hero stories by Tom Johnson. It’s a sort of sequel to his previous...
Thunder Jim Wade is a short-lived character who is usually written off as a Doc Savage clone. Written by the well-known SF author Henry Kuttner, who married...
The Moon Man is one of the most unusual pulp heroes. Sometimes called the “Robin Hood of the Pulps,” he is really Det. Sgt. Stephen Thatcher, who...
Lazarus Gray is a character from New Pulp writer Barry Reese. I have been reading his Rook series (he has other works as well, but those are the ones...
“Tales of Masks and Mayhem” Vol. II is the second of four collections continuing from Tom Johnson‘s Fading Shadow’s zines, such as...
The Rook is a New Hero pulp character created by Barry Reese. The Rook fights crime and evil in the ’30s and ’40s (and later). In his six Rook...
Altus Press has added another volume to their “Companion” series of handbooks on classic pulp series. This one is on The Black Bat...