The Nyctalope is an overlooked French proto-superhero/proto-pulp adventurer that was featured in a series of serialized novels and stories during the first...
Tag - hero pulps
One of Ace Publishing’s long-running pulp heroes was detective Wade Hammond, who ran for 39 stories in Ten Detective Aces (and the prior Detective...
Probably one of the best-known pulp heroes, even among people who know nothing about pulp heroes, is The Shadow. The Shadow is the pulp world’s Batman to...
The Grey Monk is a New Pulp hero, created by John L. French, set in modern times (we see cell phones, computers and DNA analysis). Wild Cat Books put out a...
Two good books that any pulp hero fan should have on their shelves is Don Hutchison‘s “The Great Pulp Heroes” (1996, 2007) and Nick...
For those not familiar, Jim Anthony was a sort-of Doc Savage “clone” published by Trojan/Culture Publications in the early 1940s. Trojan was a...
For most pulp hero fans, if you mention The Green Ghost, they will think of the character created by G.T. Fleming-Roberts for Thrilling, that ran for about 14...
Diamondstone the Magician was a short-lived series (six stories) written by G.T. Fleming-Roberts and appeared in Thrilling’s pulp magazines. Diamondstone...
Some pulp hero fans make the mistake of lumping all the pulp heroes together into one group, as if they comprise a genre all their own. Sometimes it leads to...
In what is probably the last in this series of articles, I give an overview of another of the major pulp publishers and their pulp heroes: Fiction House...