The next volume of D.C. Jones and Adventure Command International is out, and moves into the next major storyline, going up against their alien foes: The...
Tag - Jim Beard
As a science fiction kid in the 1970s, one phenomenon I recalled well was the “ancient astronaut” works of Erich von Däniken. These took a look at...
Following up directly from the first volume, here are the next two volumes with D.C. Jones and Adventure Command International, and concluding the “Cult...
I have posted before on occult detectives, a sub-genre I enjoy: men (and sometimes women) who stand up against occult forces and threats, often with some...
An interesting series from author Jim Beard (Sgt Janus and others) is D.C. Jones and Adventure Command International. So far there is a collection of short...
I recently posted on Sgt. Janus, an occult detective created by Jim Beard. Flinch Books had brought him back in print with three volumes. I read and reviewed...
An occult detective I have been aware of but hadn’t obtained yet is Sgt. Janus created by Jim Beard. He first appeared at Airship 27 in both print and...