Thunder Jim Wade is a short-lived character who is usually written off as a Doc Savage clone. Written by the well-known SF author Henry Kuttner, who married...
Tag - Steeger Books
Altus Press has added another volume to their “Companion” series of handbooks on classic pulp series. This one is on The Black Bat...
“Exciting Pulp Tales” is Tom Johnson’s “sequel” to his “Pulp Detective” collection from Altus Press. The new book is...
“Tales of Masks and Mayhem,” originally published by Mystic Toad Press, is back in a new edition by Altus Press. This collection reprints stories...
The Black Bat is a lesser pulp hero, but still well remembered. He was part of the “third wave” of pulp heroes (Will Murray‘s term), all of...
“Echoes 30” is a special 30th anniversary of Echoes, a long running, but now defunct, pulp fanzine. Echoes ran from 1982 to 2004, before the advent...
The Secret 6, not to be confused with the similarly named groups from DC Comics, was Harry Steeger‘s Popular Publications‘ attempt at doing its own...
Pulp and comics have long had a connection, something that most average comic book fans are unaware of. (I think more pulp fans are aware of this.) Many pulp...
The practice of calling pulps devoted to, and often named after, the hero contained in them “hero pulps” is well understood. But some argue they...
Within the hero pulp genre was the genre of secret agents. The best known was Operator #5. Lesser known (I had never heard of this character) is the Red...