The practice of calling pulps devoted to, and often named after, the hero contained in them “hero pulps” is well understood. But some argue they...
Tag - Steeger Books
Within the hero pulp genre was the genre of secret agents. The best known was Operator #5. Lesser known (I had never heard of this character) is the Red...
Within the larger genre of pulp heroes, there are several sub-genres. One of them is the “magician-detective,” of which there are very few. In most...
Street & Smith’s The Avenger, while not as popular as their successful characters The Shadow and Doc Savage, is one that remains popular to this day...
Few pulp heroes were able during the classic period to make the transition from the pulp magazines to other medium such as movies/movie serials, radio, comics...
For those not familiar, Jim Anthony was a kind-of Doc Savage “clone” published by Trojan/Culture Publications in the early 1940s, a publisher of...
The two pulp heroes that kicked off the original “hero pulp” (or character pulp or single character magazines) movement are The Shadow and Doc...