One of Thrilling’s last pulp hero is the bizarre Purple Scar. This short-lived series was published in Exciting Detective as the cover feature. Thrilling...
Tag - Thrilling Publications
Thunder Jim Wade is a short-lived character who is usually written off as a Doc Savage clone. Written by the well-known SF author Henry Kuttner, who married...
The Black Bat is a lesser pulp hero, but still well remembered. He was part of the “third wave” of pulp heroes (Will Murray‘s term), all of...
Doctor Coffin: The Living-Dead Man from Off-Trail Publications reprints eight of the 15 Doctor Coffin stories that ran for a year and half in Thrilling...
In a prior posting, I covered the connection between pulp publishers and comic book publishers. This time, I’ll delve further into comic book versions of...
Pulp and comics have long had a connection, something that most average comic book fans are unaware of. (I think more pulp fans are aware of this.) Many pulp...
Within the larger genre of pulp heroes, there are several sub-genres. One of them is the “magician-detective,” of which there are very few. In most...