Pulpcon Websites

Recapping Pulpcon 36

In case, like me, you missed it, there are two online recaps of Pulpcon 36.

Pulpcon 36: Ed Hulse receives the Lamont Award.
Pulpcon 36: Ed Hulse receives the Lamont Award.

Mark Justice gives his impression of his trip to Dayton, Ohio, on his blog I Was a Bronze Age Boy.

Meanwhile, and more recently, Pulpcon veteran Donald Ramlow has put together a four-page PDF Pulpcon review, complete with photos (including the one at left of Ed Hulse receiving the Lamont Award for his work promoting and preserving the history of pulp magazines).

As soon as we get the recordings delivered and edited, we’ll be posting audio from several of the Pulpcon events here at ThePulp.Net. You won’t want to miss them, so stay tuned!

– William

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