One of the focuses of this year’s PulpFest is the 85th anniversary of the science-fiction pulps of 1939.
To get you prepared, Mike Chomko has begun a series tracing the history of SF from before and during the pulp era.
Check out the PulpFest site regularly for the continuing story.
SPREADING THE WORD: Jeff Shanks and I are planning to attending this weekend’s Alt*Con here in Tallahassee, Fla., on Saturday, April 12, to spread the word about the pulps.
Assuming things work out, we’ll be doing a panel on the pulp origins of modern fandon, comics, superheroes and genre fiction, with plenty of pulp history thrown in.
If you’ll be at the con, please stop by and say hello. (Then join our Southern Pulpsters group on Facebook!)
DAVY CROCKETT’S PULP ADVENTURES: If it’s not one of your regular stops on the web, you really should be visiting Davy Crockett’s Almanack of Mystery, Adventure and the Wild West regularly.
It’s Evan Lewis‘ blog. And he often posts “forgotten” and unreprinted pulp stories. Just this past Friday, for instance, he posted “Hop Cargo,” a short story by Robert Leslie Bellem from the July 1937 number of Spicy Adventure.
YOUR PULP LAFF: Tim Knight, over at Hero Press, has posted a collection of spoof covers of Tintin comic books with a pulpy twist.
Rather than the usual adventures, the young Belgian reporter and his trusty pooch, Snowy, confront the worst of H.P. Lovecraft‘s horrors.
The covers were created by Muzski.
Take a look and enjoy.
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