It’s been a minute, huh? Nonetheless, it’s that time of year again. I’m back in Pittsburgh (well, Mars, Pa.) at PulpFest 2024.
Dealers’ room setup began last night, and continues this morning, along with early-bird shopping.
As in past years, I’ll be posting photos from PulpFest to ThePulp.Net’s Instagram feed later today through Saturday.
Pizza at PulpFest begins around 5 this evening, and then shortly before 7 p.m., PulpFest chair Jack Cullers kicks off the evening of presentations with a brief welcome. That’s when I’ll start posting regularly.
So, watch below for photographs and captions from Thursday’s events. The images appear shortly after they have been posted, so check back for updates throughout the day.
Please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post, or like or share the images on Instagram or on other social media. I’m using the hashtag #pulpfest2024 on my photos from the convention; I encourage you to do the same.
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