Events News PulpFest

PulpFest 2024: Saturday

I’m running a bit behind getting this post written and uploaded this morning. It’s the last full day of PulpFest 2024.

PulpFest logoI didn’t make it to the Doc Savage gathering this morning at 7:30, but I did make it to the informal meeting of members of PEAPS, the Pulp Era Amateur Press Society. I will write more about PEAPS once I return home.

The dealers’ room opened at 9 a.m.

I’ll be taking more photos at PulpFest and posting them to ThePulp.Net’s Instagram feed later today.

Watch below for photographs and captions from Saturday’s events. The images appear shortly after they have been posted, so check back for updates throughout the day.

Please feel free to comment at the bottom of this post, or like or share the images on Instagram or on other social media. I’m using the hashtag #pulpfest2024 on my photos from the convention; I encourage you to do the same.

Click an image to see it larger, then you can navigate to adjacent images within that view.

The “bat woman” issue of “Weird Tales” (October 1933) was the top seller at $2,000 at the @pulpfest 2024 auction on Saturday night. #pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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Gene Christie is the recipient of the 2024 Munsey Award at @pulpfest 2024. #pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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Peter Wolson and John Wooley tell the story of Wolson’s pulp-fictioneer father, Morton Wolson, in “The Hardboiled Fiction of Peter Paige” at @pulpfest 2024. #pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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Artist Douglas C. Klauba and Craig McDonald talk about Klauba’s art and illustration in “Burroughs, Farmer, and Pulp” at @pulpfest 2024. #pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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Keith Howell, Paul Spiteri, Sean Lee Levin, and Win Scott Eckert discuss “Secrets, Crossovers, and the Full Account” as part of FarmerCon XIX at @pulpfest 2024.#pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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The second showing of “We Are Doc Savage: A Documentary on Fandom,” by Ron Hill, kicks off the final day of programming at @pulpfest 2024.#pulpfest2024 #pf2403 ...

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