Updated: April 24, 2014. As Walker Martin mentioned in last Thursday’s installment of “3 pulp questions,” Windy City Pulp and Paper...
Category - PulpFest
PulpFest has updated its website in preparation for this summer’s 2014 pulp convention. Get information about PulpFest registration and the hotel in...
PulpFest 2014 may see a long time away, but it’s not too late to start working on an article for the next number of The Pulpster. PulpFest will be...
As I’ve mentioned before I first discovered the stories from the pulps — and the pulps themselves — during junior high. For the longest time, there were...
Updated: Sept. 8, 2013. Since I wasn’t able to attend PulpFest this year (again), I’ll be looking for other pulp fans’ reports and posting...
PulpFest 2013 is officially under way in Columbus, Ohio. I wish I were there. Early registration opened at 6 p.m., while the actual programming began a bit...
As you have probably noticed, there haven’t been very many posts here at Yellowed Perils in the past couple of weeks. It’s less than a month away...
I remember reading a post by Roger Ebert about his love of science fiction pulps back in early 2012. Ebert, who died April 4 from cancer, was best known for...
Most recent update: Aug. 18, 2014. It must have been an exhausting PulpFest this year. It’s taking attendees a bit longer than usual to get their post...
I’m in the midst of a move from Arizona to Florida, so I won’t be venturing to Columbus, Ohio, this coming weekend for PulpFest. Hopefully, you...