In 1937, Harold Brainerd Hersey published “Pulpwood Editor: The Fabulous World of the Thriller Magazines Revealed by a Veteran Editor and...
Category - People
I mentioned pulp SF fictioneer Murray Leinster in a post a couple of days ago. Afterward, I stumbled across these videos on YouTube. They feature Billee...
We see authors’ names in print and, sometimes, struggle to figure out how to pronounce them. A couple of years back, there was a discussion in one of...
You are probably most familiar with Bill Thom through Pulp Coming Attractions, where weekly he posts the latest news regarding pulp-related publications and...
The first three covers of Oriental Stories must have almost jumped off the newsstand for someone browsing for reading material in late 1930 and early ’31...
The initial installment of “3 Pulp Questions” features Camille “Caz” Cazedessus II. In 1960, Caz co-founded, with the late Alfred...
We don’t usually get to wish pulp contributors a happy birthday, but we’d like to send our best wishes to pulp artist Gloria Stoll Karn. She turns...
13,300,000. Thirteen million, three hundred thousand. That’s a lot. If you’d won that in the lottery, you’d be set for life (and the dealer...
Western pulp fictioneer Grover C. “Bill” Gulick died Friday, Oct. 25, 2013, in Walla Walla, Wash. He was 97. Gulick had short stories and novels...
Sadly, another pulp fictioneer is gone. Frederik Pohl died Monday, Sept. 2, 2013, at the age of 93. His granddaughter Emily Pohl-Weary reported his passing on...