The Sunday of Memorial Day weekend is a big day for motorsports, at least for the past couple of years. The Grand Prix of Monaco kicked things off Sunday...
Category - Pulps
Scientifiction. It’s not a word that just rolls off your tongue. But that’s the portmanteau that Hugo Gernsback created back in 1926 before science...
In addition to the pulps, I’m a big fan of movies. So when there’s talk of a new pulp-related movie, it catches my attention. A promotional poster...
Robert Weinberg joins us for the latest installment of “3 pulp questions.” I was going to start this post with some description of Robert...
“What’s your favorite pulp magazine?” That was a question asked by an audience member at the “From Pulps to Comics” panel...
Our latest installment of Great Pulp Art takes a turn toward a dark corner of the pulps. It’s the November 1934 number of Popular Publications‘...
Updated: May 21, 2014. Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention was held April 25-27 in Lombard, Ill. If like me, you weren’t able to attend, reading reports...
John Gunnison, founder of Adventure House, takes a turn answering “3 pulp questions” this week. John started Pulp Collector Press back in 1980; it...
With the new X-Men movie, “Days of Future Past,” set to arrive in theaters May 23, here’s a timely read for pulp fans: Dr. Hermes (aka Edward...
I was on Vimeo searching for something and happened to notice the Weird Tales logo leaping out at me from one of the video thumbnails. So I had to click it.