Over at Anne Thompson‘s Thompson on Hollywood blog, director Guillermo del Toro talks about “At the Mountains of Madness,” a film he’s working on...
After what seems like a quiet period for movie rumors, producer Michael Uslan mentions that he’s still at work on a movie or movies for The Shadow and Doc Savage...
In sort of a backwards move, fictioneer Laurence Donovan’s first known piece of fiction appeared in a “slick” magazine about three years before his next known fiction...
I’ve mentioned it before, but the past few years I’ve really focused my collecting efforts more on pulp fanzines and reference books than actual pulps (though that...
The Doc Con XIII schedule is coming together nicely. The con is just under three months away. This year’s con will be held Saturday, Nov. 13, at Jay Ryan’s house in...
I posted this over at ThePulp.Net’s Facebook page a week or so ago, while Yellowed Perils was undergoing its reconstruction. Since I wasn’t able to post it here at the...
Morgan Holmes, over at the Robert E. Howard United Press Association blog, brings up some valid points in his “The End of the Mass Market Paperback” entry from Saturday...
Welcome to the new Yellowed Perils. We’ve spent the past few days moving the Yellowed Perils blog to new software. In addition to introducing a new look, the move should...
PulpFest 2010 wrapped up a week ago. For those of us who missed it, there are several sources for photos and reports available online. As I added to the comments section...
Here it is Monday night, July 26. PulpFest is just a few days away, and like many of you, sadly, I won’t be attending this year. Pulp festivities kickoff at 9 p.m...