Brian Earl Brown used to have on his Web site a page devoted to “Earle Bergey and the Wonderful Brass Bra,” with several examples of science-fiction pulp covers by...
Walker Martin on the PulpMags group at Yahoo posted a notice that pulp artist Ernest Chiriacka died Tuesday, April 27, 2010. “Darcy,” as Chiriacka was known, was 96...
I’ve been in the market for an e-reader for a while. My wife bought one of the original Amazon Kindles several years ago and loves it. I had my eye on the Plastic Logic...
If my kids read that headline, first thing they would ask would be: “What’s a Sears, Roebuck catalog?” But that’s another story. Back in the late 1990s when we were...
I’ve been talking about the future of pulps in a couple of previous posts, but haven’t discussed it in respect to the Google Books project. The project – Google’s...
Ed Hulse, Barry Traylor and Walker Martin made some good points in their comments to my “Future of the pulps” entry a few weeks back. Certainly, there is something...
Doc Savage expert Will Murray posted this on several of the Yahoo news groups Monday afternoon: The rumors are true. After a seven-year negotiation – I am not kidding –...
It used to be a big deal when the Pulpcon flier arrived in the mail. There would be numerous posts on the Yahoo pulp groups and the pulp news groups about what was in it...
DC Comics kicks the week off with a teaser to its upcoming Doc Savage comic book series: artist John Cassaday's cover to the first issue. It's posted on...
I’ve seen the best pulp-based movie ever. And it will be hard — no, almost impossible — for Hollywood to top it. In fact, I’ve seen scores of great pulp movies. Just not...