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Echoes, published by Tom and Virginia Johnson as Fading Shadows Inc., was the longest running pulp fanzine. It debuted in 1982 and continued for 100 issues, until 1998. Echoes continued for another 76 issues as a monthly "newszine."


Publisher: Fading Shadows Inc.
Publication range: April 1982-December 2004
The fanzine first appeared in April 1982 with a special issue titled "The Bloody Seven," including Tom Johnson, Jack Deveny, Don Hutchison, Frank Hamilton, Robert Sampson, Earl Kussman and Wooda N. Carr. It also included articles on Operator5 Operator #5 and DocSavage Doc Savage.

Four months later, issue Vol. 1, No. 1 appeared and featured contributions from Sampson, Carr, Will Murray and others. Articles ranged from BlackBatThe The Black Bat and SpiderThe The Spider to PhantomDetectiveThe the Phantom and DocSavage Doc Savage.

For the next 16 years, the Johnsons produced an unrivaled collection of pulp-related articles. Topics included all genres of the pulps, as well as serials, movies, old time radio, comic books and other pulp-related topics.

In 1998, the fanzine morphed into a monthly "newszine," similar to Bill Thom's Coming Attractions website.

When Tom and Virginia Johnson "retired" in December 2004, Echoes had reached No. 176, for a total of 177 issues.

Reference books

During the years of the fanzine, the Johnson's Fading Shadows Inc. also published several pulp reference books:


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