The PulpWiki

Revision history for GeneralGenre

Revision [746]

Last edited on 2014-07-31 13:27:31 by TpnEditor [updated link]
The "general" genre of pulps include a variety of magazines that offered readers a broad range of fiction each issue. Magazines such as //[[Argosy Argosy]]// or //[[BlueBook Blue Book]]//. In an issue of a general pulp, for instance, it was possible to find stories in the [[FantasyGenre science fiction]], [[HorrorGenre horror]], [[SportsGenre sports]] or [[WesternGenre Westerns]] genres.
The ìgeneralî genre of pulps include a variety of magazines that offered readers a broad range of fiction each issue. Magazines such as //[[Argosy Argosy]]// or //[[BlueBook Blue Book]]//. In an issue of a general pulp, for instance, it was possible to find stories in the [[FantasyGenre science fiction]], [[HorrorGenre horror]], [[SportsGenre sports]] or [[WesternGenre Westerns]] genres.

Revision [739]

Edited on 2014-07-31 13:24:08 by TpnEditor [updated link]
The ìgeneralî genre of pulps include a variety of magazines that offered readers a broad range of fiction each issue. Magazines such as //[[Argosy Argosy]]// or //[[BlueBook Blue Book]]//. In an issue of a general pulp, for instance, it was possible to find stories in the [[FantasyGenre science fiction]], [[HorrorGenre horror]], [[SportsGenre sports]] or [[WesternGenre Westerns]] genres.
The ìgeneralî genre of pulps include a variety of magazines that offered readers a broad range of fiction each issue. Magazines such as //[[ArgosyThe Argosy]]// or //[[BlueBook Blue Book]]//. In an issue of a general pulp, for instance, it was possible to find stories in the [[FantasyGenre science fiction]], [[HorrorGenre horror]], [[SportsGenre sports]] or [[WesternGenre Westerns]] genres.

Revision [339]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-05-07 00:17:01 by TpnEditor [updated link]

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