The PulpWiki

Revision history for HewittCarl

Revision [699]

Last edited on 2013-12-06 17:46:26 by TpnEditor [minor revision]
Carl Hewitt was one of the artist's models used by [[BaumhoferWalter Walter Baumhofer]] as the reference for the pulp cover [[DocSavage Doc Savage]].
Carl Hewitt was one of the artists model used by [[BaumhoferWalter Walter Baumhofer]] as the reference for the pulp cover [[DocSavage Doc Savage]].

Revision [697]

Edited on 2013-12-06 17:43:54 by TpnEditor [updated to change to "one of the" sted &]
Carl Hewitt was one of the artists model used by [[BaumhoferWalter Walter Baumhofer]] as the reference for the pulp cover [[DocSavage Doc Savage]].
Carl Hewitt was an artists model used by [[BaumhoferWalter Walter Baumhofer]] as the reference for the pulp cover [[DocSavage Doc Savage]].

Revision [552]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-03-16 17:34:32 by TpnEditor [updated to change to "one of the" sted &]

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