The PulpWiki

William Magner

William Magner was an artists' model for a number of pulp illustrators, DeSotoRaphael Raphael DeSoto, RozenGeorge George Rozen and GladneyGraves Graves Gladney.


William Magner
Born: Jan. 16, 1897
Died: June 15, 1986
Magner's grim countenance may be quite familiar to many pulp readers, yet they may not realize it. He was used as a cover model for ShadowThe The Shadow and SpiderThe The Spider.

He also modeled for covers for DimeDetective Dime Detective, BlackMask Black Mask, Adventure Adventure and StrangeDetectiveMysteries Strange Detective Mysteries.

Magner also worked as an actor, beginning in the silent era. He appeared in "The Fighting Roosevelts" (1919) and
"A Woman God Sent" (1920).


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