The PulpWiki

Revision history for MenckenHL

Revision [505]

Last edited on 2008-04-01 17:49:59 by TpnEditor [fixed image link]
>>{{image class="center" alt="H.L. Mencken" url="images/wiki-images/menckenhl.jpg" }}**H.L. Mencken**
>>{{image class="center" alt="H.L. Mencken" url="wiki-images/menckenhl.jpg" }}**H.L. Mencken**

Revision [324]

Edited on 2006-05-03 01:57:20 by TpnEditor [grammar fix]
>>{{image class="center" alt="H.L. Mencken" url="wiki-images/menckenhl.jpg" }}**H.L. Mencken**
>>{{image class="center" alt="H.L. Mencken" url="wiki-images/menckenhl.jpg" }}
**H.L. Mencken**

Revision [270]

Edited on 2006-04-22 21:49:57 by TpnEditor [grammar fix]
Clearly, Mencken detested the low-brow pulps, including his own, despite them being moneymaking engines that helped support his literary magazine aspirations. He referred to them as the ìlouse magazinesî and described the crime fiction published in //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]// as ìhomicidal fiction.î
Clearly, Mencken detested the low-brow pulps, including his own, despite them being moneymaking engines that helped support his literary magazine aspirations. He referred to them as the ìlouse magazinesî and discribed the crime fiction published in //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]// as ìhomicidal fiction.î

Revision [265]

Edited on 2006-04-22 16:33:34 by TpnEditor [grammar fix]
Firebrand journalist and author Henry Louis Mencken co-founded one of the pulp eraís classic magazines, //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]//, as well as //[[ParisienneMonthlyMagazine Parisienne Monthly Magazine]]// and //[[SaucyStories Saucy Stories]]//. This trio of pulps was created solely to support his slick paper //Smart Set//, a faultering attempt to replicate the success of the //Atlantic Monthly.//
Firebrand journalist and author Henry Louis Mencken co-founded one of the pulp eraís classic magazines, //[[BlackMask Black Mask]]//, as well as //[[ParisienneMonthlyMagazine Parisienne Monthly Magazine]]// and //[[SaucyStories Saucy Stories]]//. This trio of pulps were created solely to support his slick paper //Smart Set//, a faultering attempt to replicate the success of the //Atlantic Monthly.//

Revision [264]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-04-22 16:22:44 by TpnEditor [grammar fix]

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